Share Your USP Across Your Online Channels.

We offer full-service social media management and marketing services. So, we transform your social media presence with high-quality content, daily activity, monitoring-engagement and increased followers.

This service will attract targeted followers to then convert into loyal customers while telling your brand’s story and Unique Selling Proposition (USP).


Grow Your Audience

We optimize your social profiles in other to grow your audience, utilizing contests, boosting relevant content, providing compelling company insights and connecting vour brand with social influencers in your industry.

Enhance Your Target Audience With Social Ads

Don't waste your efforts. Let our experts take the stress. We maximize social ads to drive engagement by defining and reaching your target audience based on their demographics.

Identify Your Audience

We analyze your business and customer base, conduct market research, analyze competitors and create personas to identify and understand the ideal target audience for your brand.

Marketing Tailored for Targeted Growth

Your website should be functional, fast, and secure. If it’s not, then it needs to be revamped. Gladly, you are at the right place.

We do not just develop websites, we transform them into powerful communication channels that drive online growth and deliver the results you care about.

Social Media

Full social media management including content, channel, strategy and reporting management on all social media channels.

Paid Social

Every good social media strategy involves paid. We deliver world class results and make your budget stretch.


We help build your brand and extend your reach by coordinating influencer marketing campaigns with major influencers in your niche.

Reviews from satisfied clients

Read unedited reviews from clients who have experienced solid credibility and results from our service.


Work with Fluxworth


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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