Nurture Leads at Every Stage

Generate and nurture leads at every stage of your customer journey with email marketing. We don’t just reach inboxes; we reach into the minds of audience.

The key to successful email marketing is understanding your audience’s needs. Working by your side, we utilize your existing customer data to create bespoke email sequences that speak to your customers at every stage of their journey.

We design eye-catching email marketing campaigns and have over 5 vears’ experience doing so for some of the leading brands in the United State. Whether you are B2C or B2B, Fluxworth has the expertise and experience to build highly effective email marketing campaigns that generate stunning results.


Email Marketing Management

Our Email marketing services have the highest conversion rates for most industries
Attract and nurture target audience and save time. with our full-service email marketing management services. Our team will develop a custom strategy for generating and converting leads Into customers.

Email Template Design

Get precise. well-executed email templates based on vour specifications and brand guidelines at a price that's well worth your investment.
We create (or refresh) your email campaign designs as part of our bespoke email marketing service. Work with our experienced thinkers. as well as our impeccable design and development team to create campaigns that drive results.
Booost your worth

Build Long-lasting Relationships

Email marketing is fast, cheap and highly profitable. and the ultimate relationship and brand- building tool. This marketing strategy keeps the conversation going between you and your customers.

It enables your customers to consistently engage with you and your products, telling you exactly what they want in the data and metrics harvested from their behavior.

Email Marketing Strategy

Got an email marketing challenge vou need to solve? Don't have a clue how and where to start? Let Fluxworth help you.

Campaign Management

Don't have the time and resources to manage email campaigns? Let us help you build, deploy, and manage your marketing campaigns at scale.

Marketing Automation

We plan build and deploy smart and scalable email marketing automation programs that Increase customer engagement and lifetime value.

Salesforce Expert

Get comprehensive salesforce expertise from Journey Builder and Email Studio to Pardot. Data Studio and Interaction Studio.

Klavivo Expert

We are a certified Klaviyo email marketing agency helping e-commerce brands boost ROl and increase customer acquisition and retention.

Multi-ESP Support

Fluxworth experts work with 50+ ESPs Be it enterprise platforms or medium sized email marketing platforms; we've got you covered.

Reviews from satisfied clients

Read unedited reviews from clients who have experienced solid credibility and results from our service.


Work with Fluxworth


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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